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1:72 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa LR

Airfix A02010 + 3D-Kits 72-C002

I probably know what you think- “Another Spitfire? Not again...” But stay with me, I'll try not to bore you to death. The embarrassing truth is, that I never built a miniature of this iconic machine before. Yup, shame on me. So not really “another”, for me at least.

Couple of years ago, when Airfix released its new tool 1:72 Spitfire Mk.I/IIa, I decided to deal with that glaring omission in my modelling life. The kit from 2012 seemed to be a perfect tool for that. I wanted to build an early mark I as my first Spitfire, and here you go- everything was in the box: two-blade prop, early type canopy, appropriate decals... When it came out I grabbed it without hesitation and started working. During the build my original plan changed completely, I messed up more than once, and abandoned the build for no reason at all for years. Eventually however I built it. But let's start from the beginning.

Build report

Sorry, full build article will be published in one of the scale modelling magazines, so no SBS this time. Instead- couple of assorted in-progress photos.

Finished model

The model depicts long range Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa UM-D of 152 Squadron RAF (around August 1941). This machine, P8448, was founded by NAFFI canteen workers, hence the world play in its name: "Counter Attack".