
This website is no longer updated. If you want to see more about my modelling, read something about it and maybe even leave some feedback- go to my new web hideout.

Natomiast osoby potrafiące przeczytać tę część wiadomości zapraszam do odwiedzenia mojej nowej witryny, prowadzonej w całości w języku polskim.

You can also go and like my Facebook page, where I post some assorted work-in-progress photos and other scale modelling related stuff.

Yes, this page requires some attention. However I don't like to write about myself, so it will probably look like this for a long time.

But wait.... the contact form is working. If you want to share some thoughts with me, point out something incorrect on my blog or just ask a question (preferably scale modelling related)- go ahead, use it.

Name: Email: Message: